Scroll To Images
2009-06-09 20:20 - Bookmarklets
It's been a long time since I've posted a new bookmarklet! I've finally come up with an itch that needed scratching, though. Every once in a while, you'll come across a "gallery" of images, simply posted one-after-the-other in a giant column on one page. They're hard to browse, because they're never the same height as your browser window, so you end up seeing them by halves, or flicking the scroll wheel endlessly. This little script will find all the images (over 100x100 pixels in size, to skip things like bullets and headers) and scroll to each one in order, each time you click it. Much better viewing!
2010-03-16 19:29 - arantius
This is a bit of a dirty hack, but it works. This one looks for header tags just before the image, and scrolls to that instead. Helps see what the image is, for sites with real heading tags.
Scroll To Images